Thursday, July 24, 2008


My mother tells me I am in grave danger. She sees me running for a cliff, but she cannot catch me in time. There is fire I am running towards. "Maybe it has something to do with those nuclear people" she tells me. That makes sense huh? Or the climate crisis, or, my own transfiguration. I ask her whether my vision is facing up or down. She tells me I am just looking forward. I wonder if in any of these 4 dreams I have flown upon leaping. I write it down like that because, quite honestly, it was intense when she told me this. She told me there is a rock in her stomach, or something. She had dreams of fire out of windows when in London once, the night before boarding a plane. She thought the plane would catch on fire. But really, when they landed, they learned of my sister's apartment in Oakland burning down in the great Oakland fires. My sister lost everything, but she was safe. "Its like that time" she tells me. And I am sure my life is ending. But then I realize that is not the case. Something may be dying and transfiguring into a new form. Rebirth? Oh, how dramatic! It is painful like birth, but not nearly as so. The materiality of productive birthing is like nothing else created. The cliff is always sommewhere on a path. It is the moment of faith in intuition. The one who loves you most will encourage you to not jump, or at least exercise caution, that serves a purpose. If the impetus of sense is great enough, one still will leap, and that leap will lead to transformation. So in any case, I am laying here now. Still alive. Traveled to a cliff today and stood in a stack of fire ants. Yes, the vision is complete Mom, no worries. She felt better today after talking to me, hearing about my life. But I now have it written and enacted in this realm. This is the process by which life is (re)made.

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