Saturday, June 7, 2008

Present Pathways

I am shaking. That is all. There is this energy inside me ready to burst and I can feel it reaching from my finger tips, radiating from my right foot--the one that talks. For so long I struggled to manifest who I believe/desire myself to be. Somedays I feel like the pathway I walk leads to the goals I have set. Sometimes I find myself disoriented, turned-around, cold, scared, certain an animal lurks in the dark ready to attack and put an end to my journey. I want to drop to the ground, bury my face in the dirt, lick the earth and become it. Sometimes I feel wings, and they lead me to the edge. I wonder if they will work. Is it possible I will soar if I leap, or will such an act result in a terrifying, imperiled, endless descent? I look for clarity and only find more avenues of fog. I believe I am almost there and soon realize I have so much further to go. And then, and now, and maybe, I think: "If I just enjoy the view from here, maybe the journey is already complete".

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