Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Please Vote

I don't really have a sense that anyone reads this but a few dear souls...but if i'm wrong it is worth posting a link to a poll on the Idaho Statesman regarding whether people favor Areva (See post on Sisyphus) because of job creation, or are against the plant cause it's bad for the environment. Scroll down to the bottom of the homepage and find the poll on the right side. Please vote "bad for the environment" the waste production makes this a no brainer. Please pass on to anyone who might be interested. We are losing this vote right now (So ironic because the sand was a landslide opposed). No time to play more. Bye


Kelly Baucom said...

I VOTED! BAD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT! I don't understand how so many people can vote indifferent. How can they not have an opinion about this? I don't get it!

c4hairedwolf said...

That is a weird contradiction isn't it! Maybe you should ask Larry about his position on Areva and if he's going to stage a protest against construction of the plant. What's SRA's argument for job creation through truly green energy? Does wind or geothermal employ a significant workforce? Let's start creating tax incentives for solar energy research and production companies to locate in our state.