Thursday, June 26, 2008

Breakthrough Technology

I just had a breakthrough moment.  Last night, I noticed a gentleman I had seen around, mostly at the Coop, bright eyed and energetically--different than most people.  Good vibe.  But he entered the event last night and seemed nervous, checked it out and left.  Then came back.  Then, when we were packing up, I noticed him ride slowly by, "Thanks for coming tonight Sir" I said, even though he had already passed me and his back was what I ended up addressing.  The bike stopped quickly and he pivoted to face me, eyes shining.  I cannot detail his words, I cannot reiterate what he said word for word.  But this was his point--Carbon-Free is propaganda as a method of social control.  The new way to manage bodies.  The mode through which the corporeal (my favorite term for body) is controlled by power.  It's weird, because that claim can be read as very Foucauldian.  Foucault would, perhaps, do a genealogy--or a tracing of the ways in which power was exercised within the discourse of carbon reduction to manage behavior--although Foucault would not use the word manage--he might say exercise power upon bodies, or something like that.  I'm not sure I agree with the core of his claim, but I think it is a fascinating one.
So this guy continues that George H. Bush was actually part of some other family (he has an article from , I think, The "Idaho Observer" which he keeps showing me and pointing to Bush Senior when he had a different name) and changed his name and the other family was--gosh the competitor with Tesla?  No, can't remember, because the fact he mentioned Tesla distracted me.  So, he starts talkin' about wireless tech and that all this energy stuff is a farce, or at least an intended effect.  And then he pauses, as if it is likely too much, as if at this point most people act like he's crazy and that is the fire in his eye, the light that comes from the spark of not being heard but having something desperately needing to be said. I'm still listening.  "I know about Tesla" I say, and something like relief washes over his face, "I actually have wondered about what you're saying.  I have wondered about what happened to the technology he discovered?  The idea that electricity can be free just from the air." "Yeah" he says, "It can." There may have been a further exchange on the Bush thing and then he finishes by saying "They didn't kill the electric car,  I sold my electric car."  His back turns to me and he is off.
It hit me tonight.  Wireless technology is what I am using right now, my cell phone operates on wireless.  Well duh, right--I put that together before, that the technology was enabled by energy moving through the air.  I type words here and they are connected immediately to any computer that can access this page.  I can call a friend and we hear each others voices. I can type a message on my phone and it will almost instantly be available for reading by the recipient of the words.  Of course, this is all managed by satellite and other mechanisms, but does it have to be? (I know, they wouldn't like that far reaching of a question in grad school either). I pay for the use of the device.  I pay for the use of my phone.  It is the instrument by which profit is made from what Tesla envisioned as a free enterprise.  Did the technology come for the economy or is the technology possible without the device? Perhaps the technology does not have to be managed in quite the way it is now with the interest invested in the way it is now.  What would it mean to free technology?
End Note:  I can hear it.  Really, I didn't used to be able to, but more recently I have noticed my ears are often ringing with the sound of electric current.  Mostly when I am not working or out and about, but at night it is near constant and sometimes it overwhelms me if I am stressed. I wonder how to change it, and I often want it to go away.  But what if I could "move" it?

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