Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Bay A(i)rea Moment: This time, as the plane descends, I respond to the view of the water with a sharp intake of breath. My heart beat quickens. Oakland, this more northerly bay. The site of my utopian dreams and distopian nightmares. It is not yet time for me to be here. But why can't I breathe? What has happened? When I return home, I am asked how I feel about all the "drama" between Clinton and Obama. "What's new?" I say. I have been on vacation remember. Obama's comments in San Fransisco were nothing other than the brilliant articulation of the process and effects of the complete alienation of the working-class from any sense of political agency. I commend him for his ability to disentangle the experiences of these folks and point to the reasons for the prevalence of religion and defense. It is a cultural ill. As Marx said in "On the Jewish Question" religion is the opium of the people. And, I would add, defense is the perverse paradigm of our time. We will never change this society if we ask god to do it for us, and we ask god as a way of not doing it for ourselves, and we fail to do it for ourselves, because our historical experiences points to failure in meeting our needs whenever we self-affirm our lives. Now, Obama would not benefit from my interpretation of what he said. Too academic (a.k.a elite) right? But, it did affirm for me that we have a candidate who has deeply considered the state of citizens in this country. That assures me he knows the topography enough to make real change on the political map. That is what his opponents are so afraid of. They know he is right and, unlike them, is courageous enough to speak the truth. One more thing. I stomped my foot hard when I finally saw the footage of Hilary chastising him. (and I see racism at play big time here...the black man has spoken too clearly, too loudly...time for a lynching)--still sorting through how this observation may contradict with my other post below. What is she doing! You can smell the rot of her desperation. It is time to leave. I'm all for democracy, but the stakes are too high and the people have spoken, and I distrust the notion that she has as much support as Obama. That is a media fabrication. OUT ALREADY!

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