Wednesday, March 19, 2008


These stories are true.  This is not a work of fiction, no matter how absurd the characters may seem.
Part I:  The Hearing
I am in the basement of the Idaho Supreme Court.  I am watching the House Health and Welfare Committee.  We are here because of expected volume--But I am waiting to hear the Attorney General's opinion which was the knife in the back to the mid-wives bill.  
But they are saying they need an AG's opinion on another bill and the Deputy AG in the room is hiding--literally from the that hearing was postponed. 
Then--this is when it gets crazy, absurd, laughable, and by consequence atrocious given the distribution of power in decision making relinquished to these folks sitting at these tables.
The naturopath bill first came 3 sessions ago--license us--licensed--fighting, corruption--general mis-actions--this session license only for this certification--3 days of hearings--senate passes--house committee passes--goes to amending order--governor says he has amendments--AT RE-HEARING NO GOVERNOR, NO AMENDMENTS--committee puts motion on the table to hold (this is the death knoll) the bill.
Really?  You are going to pass a bill out of committee, its gonna get sent back ( I think the governor part was orchestrated--call me paranoid) then--without those affected by the bill present you are gonna sneak in holding it in committee?  
Chairwoman wigs out big time, has to  call the Speaker of the House down from cross the street just to ask if the committee holds the bill will the current law change?
Well, course it won't change!  If you hold it it will not pass and it will not affect the law.
People are guffawing now...chair put motion on the table on her own--not allowed--then claimed it was someone else.
A few protest the absurdity...we will see this again next year ---yep, 3 days of committee testimony...
Some argue for...some against...those who voted for the motion to hold were among those who argued against holding--that part makes me crazy.  8-4 a bill that passed out, was artificially put back in and got killed.
Tonight I poured a drink for a member of that committee...he told me it may be resuscitated in another committee...I'm not holding my breath.
Another too true story.
44 states have benefits for their retirees that have at least two options (makes sense, since if one fails you have the other).  Idaho's Senate voted today to cut state employee retiree benefits  and put them on a non-state administered medicare affiliated plan (Medicare Advantage, True Blue).  The federal funding of this plan is in jeopardy.  Idaho will remove state administration (this is the result of Gwartney at the DOA--such irony--dare I say corruption and cronyism at play here) and fund retirees for one plan AND ONE PLAN ONLY.  So many states have multiple (more than 4) options for retirees.  9 pay for all coverage.  Idaho will be one of 4 states that has strapped their seniors out and washed their hands of nearly all care, compensation, and responsibility.  
What does this bill say of us?  An economic emergency.  BS.  No, if there is an economic crisis then lets cut funding for new developments.  These folks whose benefits are at stake--they are our elders.  We owe them respect. 
Two Senators proposed amendments that would ask for a year waiting period to investigate further and communicate with state retirees (this is what the numerous former state employees repeatedly asked for in hearings).  These were defeated down party lines and then it was argued that the minority party was whining without solution giving...lets see...I know it was yesterday...but...DID YOU FORGET THE AMENDMENTS!  Whats more, they did not meet the burden of proof on the "emergency"  They lost this argument.  There is 80% more of one party and they lost the argument.  The really sad part--They passed the bill.  Three of the majority were brave enough to do the right thing.  
I seethed outside that door looking in at the smugness--next to one of the Governor's hinchmen.  "We'll see how they do in the next election" I said and stared back at him.  The rain fell harder outside, the wind blowing bits of fury.
the moon cannot be seen through the clouds
there--the moon is through the clouds

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