Monday, March 3, 2008

Tesla.  I heard an NPR story on him.  I get the Ac /Dc thing between him and Edison.  The quintessential mad scientist (only the Serbian (Croat) aspect was interesting to me...what a great distance to travel during that time period) (1880's).  He is the archetypal mad scientist.  I also heard that he and Mark Twain were great friends after Tesla cured Twain's years long constipation through sending high voltages of electricity through him.   Yeah,  can you imagine how much better he felt?  No wonder they were friends!
But they used to go around and shock eachother for fun.
There are electrical currents around me at all times.  Right now, at this magical little machine i am taking in electrical currents, and ( i think( some radioactivity).  Then what I write is transmitted...well if it goes out it comes in and is all around.  I live at the base of a hillside...all the currents above me flow through this base down to the rest of the city.  These are invisibilities that certainly affect my behavior. 
Thing is i am thinking of all this tonight with a dear friend DB that I have known for many years (10) and somehow her Great Serbian Grandfather named Tesla comes up.  And I'm like "You're Tesla's Great Grandaughter? and she is.   

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