Friday, March 7, 2008


Visiting with a friend tonight and he said..."We don't need Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton while we wait for Jeb to get ready to Run!  Enough of the Binarchy! End the Binarchy!
I couldn't agree more.  And I remain so overwhelmed by this situation.  A false choice is being created in which the candidates can either go negative or lose the nomination.
No, to be principled Obama must not fall into a negative campaign.  
The other day a co-worker and friend asked me "Would you rather have Clinton or McCain as President or Obama go negative?" Of course I chose the latter option....No.  I would not rather have Clinton or McCain.  If it came down to that then Yes, Obama may go negative...But if this is truly transformational politics there is a pathway around this binary opposition.  If he is a transformational figure he will walk that path.  Is that what must sustain me now?  Hope?  
I have realized what it is the power of recognition.  Of knowing you have been seen, felt, sensed in all your complexity.  That is where the depth of this sensation comes from... Not so scary.  Full of possibility (ies)?

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