So what is/are the pathway(s) beyond this political impasse?
1) How bout' disguising the language used in green, pro-woman, and anti-corruption legislation to avoid those terms and thus pass bills that promote these ideals without explicitly saying so?
2) What if we revolted and talked to progressive lawmakers about doing really crazy things like reversing the role call in committee votes so the super-majority did not always set the tenor of voting?
3) How bout' consistent streams of protest to call into question the rationale for the exclusion of so many great ideas?
So far I have been working on re-fining the practice of nuancing the language to have broad appeal and disguising what appears to be the unsavory goals of energy efficient buildings, increasing women's right to choose, and holding public officials accountable for their abuses of power. WHAT ARE YOUR IDEAS?
I say you post something on the inside workings of the state senate and how they shoot down good bills without a blink.
However, I do suggest that you don't publicize your blog to your coworkers.
Right, right...I'm sure this would go over so well with the boss...that's why I feel like I am slipping into a different skin everyday. The mediation of self is profound in this context. How do you walk two paths at once? Multiple planes for multiple energetic intentions.
I may chime back in later with some ideas, right now I'm too tired :)
However, I did want to say this. What really jumps out at me, and I really appreciate about this entry is the proactive/constructive tone it takes.
You are not complaining about a problem; but rather stating it and offering suggestions for remedy.
In a word, refreshing :)
No answers yet folks? Oh, my legs are sore from straddling this fence. Maybe I am way too sensitive about this. Buck up' and do the job. Do you like my uniform? Have I tricked you into believing your judgement of me is true?
Maybe I have been away too long, and I just don't get it. But it feels silly. I just want to dance up those stairs, and across the metaphorical "rotunda" gotta get to the guy in the post-office...he's the boss after all. Are you kidding me?! And if another one of those slimy jerks acts like I'm not supposed to have a clue one more time...I might lose it! Right, right, I should not advertise this to my co-workers. I'm going legislative! Watch Out!
But its still a cool job, and I can pull this off for a little while longer.
Do you think they'd freak out if I laid on a blanket under the trees? There are trees right? Time to open my eyes.
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