Sunday, June 1, 2008

When I was a little girl...

When I was little Anne and I were taking a bath in my parent's upstairs bathtub.  I don't know what the game we were playing was, but we splashed--a lot.  So much that we were soon removed from the tub to the fitful bursts of our mothers yelling first from below that the ceiling was leaking.  I remember thinking, Well, maybe now we will have a swimming pool.  I have been told (many times throughout my life when this tale is retold) that upon looking at the water dripping from above, once I was wrapped in a towel and brought downstairs, that I commented, "Look at the way the light shines in the water when it falls."  No regret, no sense of sorriness for the repair the water would require--enmeshed in what I had created and unaware of the consequences.  When Anne was then scolded by her mother (Jackie) and told "What do you say to Sally!?"  she famously replied, "Thank you for the nice time."  
We finished Winnie the Pooh tonight.  It was a long book, the longest we have read together and I was sorry when it became clear that Christopher Robin was going to the place where they wouldn't let him do nothing.  But, Pooh and he play on in our hearts forever--at least that is sentiment expressed on the final page.
River finishes pre-school on Thursday.
Putting Canyon down is like cooking rice, if you watch it too closely, or take the lid of too early, you get rather unsatisfactory results.

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