Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hang Your Pants

I learned recently that one of the largest consumers of energy in homes is the laundry dryer.  Sorry, no figures, just a rather rational assertion there.  In the summer time especially this figure made me realize there is really no excuse for using my clothes dryer.  Even in the winter, I know many people who use their garages with a space heater, or their high-ceiling homes to dry clothing.  I have been admittedly lazy in this regard.  Laundry has, at different moments in my life been the bane of my existence.  First, in college, when I was consumed by my studies and...wait, I honestly don't remember where I washed my clothes my senior year...huh...weird.  But my junior year I did have a little laundry room in this sweet little house I rented for$450, huge backyard, rounded walls.  There was a gigantic pile of laundry, and come to think of it, I did have a clothesline then.  But since having kids, laundry has been a challenge always.  At the height of my organized mothering efforts I have kept on top of the pile with serious disciplined diligence.  At other times I have sorrowfully apologized to my children, when they have nothing to wear (Full disclosure:  Since starting to work full-time my mother, and her declared love of laundry has resulted in the maintenance of my children's wardrobe as an effect of her pity and skill at rapidly processing clothing as she watches my children.  She is a domestic super hero truly). More recently, with the revisiting of the clothesline revelation, exacerbated by my desire to reduce my energy use, I have finally hung a clothesline in the carport (which has never been a place to park a car).  I still intend to hang one across the deck for guaranteed sunny days and as a demo example to the neighborhood.  It is my little resistant act in the face of claims that clotheslines are a nuisance and unsightly.  It is awesome!  Of course, I have had to scold the boys when they have made  a game of pulling the clothes down, had to tell River, "No I am sorry you cannot wear that again tomorrow because we are not using the dryer anymore--it uses too much energy.: Thankfully, as is often the case with Riv, he seems to buy the rationality of that argument "Okaaaaaaayyyyyy" He groans.  
The clothes dry in a snap in the desert heat.  They smell better, they feel better on my body and when I put them on the boys.  And I feel like I am making a worthwhile effort, that has so many wonderful results.  One of the biggest consequences being the meditative experience of hanging the clothes, feeling the fabric, breathing in the scent of the clean detergent.  Then taking them down, and creating a new piece of domestic artistry with the next batch of clothes, waiting without fail to be hung.  If you haven't done it yet, I recommend it.  Stop those plants (nuke plants that is), hang your pants.

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