Friday, April 25, 2008

So I found the Story

I found the book with the fable. Turns out it is about fuel (Irony). The person on the bus sees a sign that says "No Gas for 500 miles" when they alert the driver and the other passengers everyone laughs and ignores her. She walks for two hours until she finds the sign. Then, "I saw a barefoot man standing on the road. Smiling, he asked, "Did you get off the bus? Me too. I'm so glad to see you. I've been walking for fourteen days already. You are the first one I've seen since then." I was surprised that he didn't look tired or depressed. In fact, he looked happy and refreshed. I told him about my blisters, and how I was tired and hungry. Instead of sympathy, the man began to tell me his story. He said that he had begun to really enjoy walking. He said, everybody would have to get off the bus" -Igor Boutenko I guess I should start looking for the sign.

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